Presentation text for the master lecture I gave at the Congreso de Ciencias, Artes y Humanidades El cuerpo descifrado in Queretaro, Mexico, on oct. 20th 2017. Between 1997 and 2012 I undertook a vast research in the universe of Internet Amateur Pornography. I explored the early Usenet newsgroups, I joined […]
Ideas, Projects & Statements
Boleros/Typephase (it)
(english version) Questi brani sono, tra le altre cose, un tentativo di rivendicazione della Musicologia come pratica sensuale e disciplina artistica. Per decenni l’analisi della musica, specialmente quella occidentale classica, ha richiesto perizia tecnica e una vasta cultura musicale per poter essere praticata. Questo sebbene la scienza abbia una delle […]
English text - Ideas, Projects & Statements
(italian version) Boleros and the TypePhase series pieces are, among other things, attempts to reclaim Musicology to the realm of the senses, and of the Arts. For many years the analysis of music, especially Classical western compositions, has required technical expertise and vast musical culture in order to be practiced. […]